A special update on our response to COVID-19


We are monitoring the COVID-19 situation on a daily basis as part of our commitment to keeping you informed about how the school is addressing the issue. 

The best way to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses including COVID-19 is to:

  • stay home when ill;

  • cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or sleeve;

  • wash hands with soap and water or with alcohol-based hand rub; and

  • clean and disinfect objects and surfaces.

With particular reference to the last point, we have implemented upgraded cleanliness protocols for the school. We take standards for hygiene and cleanliness very seriously and are taking additional steps to ensure the safety of our Walden community.

We are using cleaning products and protocols which are effective against viruses with particular attention paid to high-touch items. We are increasing the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting all areas of the school including desks, lockers, staff offices and common areas.

We continue to  monitor latest postings from Halton Region Health and the Government of Canada among others and ask for your cooperation in complying with the direction they are providing.

Above all, it’s important that while we address this with an abundance of caution that we also maintain perspective while working together to ensure that we all remain safe and healthy.

Daphne Perugini