Celebrating the awakening of young minds


2020: Silver linings and golden learnings

How have you approached reflections on the year now that 2020 is coming to a close? 

There are, I’m fairly confident, many folks who are looking forward to simply closing the page on this book and starting fresh. Others will be thinking to just press the reset button and return to what used to be defined ‘normal’. 

Maybe I’m a bit of an outlier on the whole issue of 2020 but the way things have transpired at Walden International School it’s likely I’m not on my own.


As tragic and difficult as the pandemic has been, there have been silver linings and golden learnings. Although we were kept incredibly busy while recalibrating for remote learning and then creating a safe environment to which our students could return, the shut down provided an opportunity to re-think and in many cases re-invent how we would operate the school. 

Our teachers had the chance to consider where they could most effectively bring their remarkable talents to the table. Our staff could take a fresh look at how we had traditionally operated. The unusual situation provided eye-opening opportunities and the discovery of new potential.

“The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards.”
- Anatole France

Many of the changes we introduced in response to COVID will become embedded in the practice of making good people at Walden International School. For example, we recognized that the well being of our entire community was at the top of the table. Mental health issues that affect all of us, from youngest to oldest, are being addressed with our programming and even more significantly our commitment to wellness is even more firm. 


That’s part of the reason why we devoted our fundraising efforts in support the SickKids AboutKidsHealth program. We are particularly focused on the mental health aspects of caring for children and SickKids is a world leader in providing insight and support.

Another golden learning moment for us was realizing that the pandemic period allowed us time to do what we were meant to do. It provided the momentum for a cultural shift that continues at our school - one that recognizes that while academics are critical, the passing of tests and the exhaustive delivery of a full curriculum should not be the sole focus of our undertaking. 

That’s why we believe there is both art and science to awakening the minds of youngsters (and many of us oldsters too!) so we recognize the opportunity that exists in challenge. If we approach these times with curiosity and a willingness to confront adversity we will grow. In very many ways, it is our children who enable this exploration and that’s what we’re celebrating this season.

We wish you wonderful celebrations and the wonder of curiosity as we move forward to a new year.

Daphne Perugini